A to Z of Australian Birds in Australia & Zoo List |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Bird leg bands available at |
Nankeen Kestrel | Falco cenchroides |
Nankeen Night-Heron | Nycticorax caledonicus |
Narcissus Flycatcher | Ficedula narcissina |
Naretha Bluebonnet | Northiella haematogaster narethae |
Neophema spp | |
New Caledonian Fairy Tern | Sternula nereis exsul |
New Caledonian Gould's Petrel | Pterodroma leucoptera caledonica |
New Caledonian Storm-Petrel | Fregetta lineata |
New Caledonian Tahiti Petrel | Pseudobulweria rostrata trouessarti |
New England Forest Raven | Corvus tasmanicus boreus |
New Guinea Brown Falcon | Falco berigora novaeguineae |
New Guinean Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta nitens |
New Guinean Uniform Swiftlet | Aerodramus vanikorensis yorki |
New Holland Honeyeater | Phylidonyris novaehollandiae |
New Siberian Islands Red Knot | Calidris canutus piersmai |
New Zealand Antarctic Tern | Sterna vittata bethunei |
New Zealand Double-banded Plover | Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus |
New Zealand Fantail | Rhipidura fuliginosa |
New Zealand Pigeon | Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae |
New Zealand Shining Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites lucidus lucidus |
New Zealand Storm-Petrel | Fregetta maoriana |
New Zealand White-fronted Tern | Sterna striata striata |
Newell's Shearwater | Puffinus newelli |
Nicobar Pigeon | Caloenas nicobarica |
Nicobar Pigeon (nominate subspecies) | Caloenas nicobarica nicobarica |
Night Parrot | Pezoporus occidentalis |
Noisy Friarbird | Philemon corniculatus |
Noisy Miner | Manorina melanocephala |
Noisy Pitta | Pitta versicolor |
Noisy Scrub-bird | Atrichornis clamosus |
Nominate Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris chloris |
Nordmann's Greenshank | Tringa guttifer |
Norfolk Island Gerygone | Gerygone modesta |
Norfolk Island Golden Whistler | Pachycephala pectoralis xanthoprocta |
Norfolk Island Green Parrot | Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii |
Norfolk Island Grey Fantail | Rhipidura albiscapa pelzelni |
Norfolk Island Kaka | Nestor productus |
Norfolk Island Long-tailed Triller | Lalage leucopyga leucopyga |
Norfolk Island Morepork | Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata |
Norfolk Island New Zealand Pigeon | Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae spadicea |
Norfolk Island Robin | Petroica multicolor |
Norfolk Island Tasman Starling | Aplonis fusca fusca |
Norfolk Island Thrush | Turdus poliocephalus poliocephalus |
Normanton Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis normani |
North Queensland Large-billed Gerygone | Gerygone magnirostris cairnsensis |
North-central Lemon-bellied Flycatcher | Microeca flavigaster flavigaster |
North-eastern Black Butcherbird | Melloria quoyi rufescens |
North-eastern Brown Treecreeper | Climacteris picumnus picumnus |
North-eastern Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis diminutus |
North-eastern Grey Fantail | Rhipidura albiscapa keasti |
North-eastern Rufous Fantail | Rhipidura rufifrons intermedia |
North-eastern Siberian Red Knot | Calidris canutus rogersi |
North-eastern Silvereye | Zosterops lateralis vegetus |
North-eastern Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus atrabectus |
North-eastern Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria australis chrysorrhos |
Northern Apostlebird | Struthidea cinerea dalyi |
Northern Australian Magpie | Gymnorhina tibicen eylandtensis |
Northern Australian Pipit | Anthus novaeseelandiae rogersi |
Northern Australian Yellow White-eye | Zosterops luteus luteus |
Northern Azure Kingfisher | Ceyx azureus ruficollaris |
Northern Barking Owl | Ninox connivens peninsularis |
Northern Bar-shouldered Dove | Geopelia humeralis inexpectata |
Northern Black-tailed Treecreeper | Climacteris melanurus melanurus |
Northern Black-throated Finch | Poephila cincta atropygialis |
Northern Blue-winged Kookaburra | Dacelo leachii leachii |
Northern Boobook | Ninox japonica |
Northern Boobook (ssp) | Ninox japonica japonica |
Northern Brown Goshawk | Accipiter fasciatus didimus |
Northern Brown Thornbill | Acanthiza pusilla dawsonensis |
Northern Brown-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus brevirostris pallidiceps |
Northern Buff-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza reguloides squamata |
Northern Buller's Albatross | Thalassarche bulleri platei |
Northern Cape Petrel | Daption capense australe |
Northern Cape York Tropical Scrubwren | Sericornis beccarii minimus |
Northern Chowchilla | Orthonyx spaldingii melasmenus |
Northern Cinnamon Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma cinnamomeum tirariense |
Northern Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris sordidus |
Northern Common Cicadabird | Edolisoma tenuirostre melvillense |
Northern Crested Bellbird | Oreoica gutturalis pallescens |
Northern Dusky Gerygone | Gerygone tenebrosa tenebrosa |
Northern Eastern Bristlebird | Dasyornis brachypterus monoides |
Northern Fantail | Rhipidura isura |
Northern Fuscous Honeyeater | Ptilotula fusca subgermana |
Northern Galah | Eolophus roseicapilla kuhli |
Northern Giant-Petrel | Macronectes halli |
Northern Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis alexandrae |
Northern Grey-fronted Honeyeater | Ptilotula plumula planasi |
Northern Hooded Robin | Melanodryas cucullata picata |
Northern Jacky Winter | Microeca fascinans pallida |
Northern Little Corella | Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea |
Northern Little Woodswallow | Artamus minor derbyi |
Northern Magpie-lark | Grallina cyanoleuca neglecta |
Northern Mangrove Gerygone | Gerygone levigaster levigaster |
Northern Masked Lapwing | Vanellus miles miles |
Northern Masked Owl | Tyto novaehollandiae kimberli |
Northern Noisy Friarbird | Philemon corniculatus corniculatus |
Northern Olive Whistler | Pachycephala olivacea macphersoniana |
Northern Pale-yellow Robin | Tregellasia capito nana |
Northern Pheasant Coucal | Centropus phasianinus melanurus |
Northern Pied Monarch | Arses kaupi terraereginae |
Northern Pintail | Anas acuta |
Northern Red-backed Fairy-wren | Malurus melanocephalus cruentatus |
Northern Red-billed Tropicbird | Phaethon aethereus mesonauta |
Northern Red-headed Honeyeater | Myzomela erythrocephala erythrocephala |
Northern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus banksii banksii |
Northern Red-winged Parrot | Aprosmictus erythropterus coccineopterus |
Northern Rockhopper Penguin | Eudyptes moseleyi |
Northern Rosella | Platycercus venustus |
Northern Royal Albatross | Diomedea sanfordi |
Northern Rufous Scrub-bird | Atrichornis rufescens rufescens |
Northern Scrub-robin | Drymodes superciliaris |
Northern Shoveler | Spatula clypeata |
Northern Shrike-tit | Falcunculus whitei |
Northern Sooty Oystercatcher | Haematopus fuliginosus opthalmicus |
Northern Squatter Pigeon | Geophaps scripta peninsulae |
Northern Striated Pardalote | Pardalotus striatus uropygialis |
Northern Sulphur-crested Cockatoo | Cacatua galerita fitzroyi |
Northern Superb Fairy-wren | Malurus cyaneus cyanochlamys |
Northern Superb Lyrebird | Menura novaehollandiae edwardi |
Northern Tawny Frogmouth | Podargus strigoides phalaenoides |
Northern Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | Gliciphila melanops melanops |
Northern Weebill | Smicrornis brevirostris flavescens |
Northern White-throated Honeyeater | Melithreptus albogularis albogularis |
Northern Willie Wagtail | Rhipidura leucophrys picata |
Northern Yellow-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza chrysorrhoa normantoni |
Northern Yellow-throated Miner | Manorina flavigula lutea |
North-west Cape Western Bowerbird | Chlamydera guttata carteri |
North-western Brown-capped Emerald-Dove | Chalcophaps longirostris longirostris |
North-western Figbird | Sphecotheres vieilloti ashbyi |
North-western Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis lineocapilla |
North-western Green Oriole | Oriolus flavocinctus flavocinctus |
North-western Grey Shrike-thrush | Colluricincla harmonica brunnea |
North-western Leaden Flycatcher | Myiagra rubecula concinna |
North-western Little Friarbird | Philemon citreogularis sordidus |
North-western Little Shrike-thrush | Colluricincla megarhyncha parvula |
North-western Olive-backed Oriole | Oriolus sagittatus affinis |
North-western Rufous Owl | Ninox rufa rufa |
North-western Rufous Whistler | Pachycephala rufiventris falcata |
North-western Shining Flycatcher | Myiagra alecto melvillensis |
North-western Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus baileyi |
North-western Spinifex Pigeon | Geophaps plumifera plumifera |
North-western White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike | Coracina papuensis hypoleuca |
North-western White-throated Gerygone | Gerygone olivacea rogersi |
Nullarbor Coast Spotted Scrubwren | Sericornis frontalis mellori |
Nullarbor Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma alisteri |
Nullarbor Rufous Fieldwren | Calamanthus campestris campestris |
Nutmeg Mannikin | Lonchura punctulata |
National Zoo & Aquarium, Yarralumla | ACT |
We acknowledge that this
land historically belonged to the wild birds and animals
and that human presence is often at their expense. We pay our respect to zoos and wildlife conservation, past, present, and emerging. |